Burping, hiccups, and farting are bodily functions which make people laugh, get embarrassed, and even annoyed, farting in sleep is most common. The crown jewel on these is farting.
- Men fart more than women.
- The original meaning of fart if forth as wind from the anus. This word was coined in 1962.
- An average person farts around 14 times a day.
- Those 14 farts a day are enough to fill up a balloon.
- This is not something to be embarrassed about as it means that you are healthy. A healthy digestive tract produces farts. If you are not farting at all go to the doctor.
- Farts are made up of hydrogen sulfide that reduces mitochondrial damage. Smelling farts can be healthy, thus next time you fart take a nice deep breath and thank the person.
- Female farts tend to be stinkier as females have higher concentration of hydrogen sulfide. Female farts are healthier to smell.
- Farts go as fast as 10 ft/sec.
- If you have very tight sphincter you will produce louder farts as they have smaller tighter area to squeeze out from.
- Gum and soda make you fart more, thus if you know somebody who farts a lot and they drink a lot of soda and chewing gum, hide it from them.
- Most of the farting happens at night when we sleep, farting in sleep.
- Termites are animals which produce the most fart. Camels, zebras, sheep, cows, elephants, and dogs (especially labs and retrievers) follow next.